Monday, October 17, 2011

a cup with a cute lady bug on it

There I was, again, quite "busy" these days to quiet myself down and post something on my blog. But this morning I thought, I must post something today. I must!

And here I am! Today I'm going to post about one of my cup collections... a cute vintage Japanese cup with beautiful black and white flowers, and a lovely lady bug (actually there are two of them) on it. It holds a little less than 8 oz. of liquid, which is perfect for me! 

And yes, you know me, I've been drinking almost everything out of it these days.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

when fall comes

The weather has been very mild so far this season. As a matter of fact summer didn't seem to have ended in Salt Lake City.

But I know fall is indeed here when I look around our house...

Acorns start to fall.

Monday, October 03, 2011

my latte art these days

I've been kinda busy this past week, with the shipment (literally over a ton of stuff!) from Taiwan and the other tiny little things here and there, I haven't been blogging. I've thought of lots of things to write about, but I just haven't got to doing it.

Anyhow, I'm going to try to write something often, even if it's little things that are just simple and mundane.

With that said, here's a photo of a small latte I made the other day:

I've been pouring these rosettas with tiny little feathers on the bottom. I like them a lot.