Saturday, October 10, 2009

[Seattle 09.09] Coffee Fest funness

One of the main purposes for our trip to Seattle this time was to attend Coffee Fest. John and I used to go almost every year before we opened up the shop. I really enjoyed checking out new products, meeting with the people that we usually only talked on the phone with, and all the fun stuff that Coffee Fest has to offer.

This year it was great, too!

gelato case
We tasted awesome gelato and pastries.

david and synesso
Mr. Schomer working behind the Synesso.

Mark at Synesso was kind enough to bring us parts for our Cyncra. Thanks Mark!

david and synesso
And we were fortunate enough to have David make us an espresso and a macchiato!

cup rinser
We also tested the cup/pitcher rinser. I want one.

Hmm... matcha.

latte art
I also watched the latte art competition...

... with the cool judges.

We also watched the NWRBC. Awesome.

ANd of course there were a lot of goodies that we got. My favorite were the Synesso pins and bottle opener. They were so cool. I even got some with Synesso's old logo on! Now that I think of it, I probably should have grabbed more of those.

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