Friday, December 14, 2007

new roasting room

I know I haven't been updating my blog often these days. It's not because I'm lazy or anything (eyes shifting) but because I "lost" my "office" at the caffe not too long ago.

The tiny little coffee roaster John's been using to roast the beans at the shop was not going to keep up with the demand anymore, so with some generous help we finlly could get a new roaster.

With the new and larger roaster we had to build a new roasting room, and our friend Adam and Curtis started off building it a couple weeks ago.

before the roasting room
Adam and Curtis getting ready to start building.

roasting room
These guys are fast!

roasting room
Almost done!

Adam and Curtis have actually finished the building of the room, and we've had all the wood stained black so far. We're waiting for the big glass windows and door to be installed soon. I will post more photos later on.

I think the new roasting room looks great! I'm just wondering if I should have John install a couple blinds on the windows, so I'll be able to "hide" in the room and nap sometimes.

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