Tuesday, December 20, 2005

lost dog

I was driving home yesterday and saw there was a dog wondering across street. I quickly made a U-turn when the light turned green to see if I could catch up with him but he had already ran across the busy 5300 South street.

Some cars stopped to let him run in front of them, and some almost hit him. I had to wait and made another U-turn and pulled in to a gas station because he seemed to be heading that way. I stopped and got out of the car and he saw me. I said, "Hey puppy! Come!" But he ran away.

I got into my car and tried to catch up with him. He walked sniffed all over the busy intersections.
I then lost him.

I drove around for a while but didn't see him again. I was really sad. I wonder what he was thinking when he was sniffing the ground. The temperature was dropping and I hoped he would somehow find his home and people, or someone will see him and be able to look at his tags and take him home. I was a bit angry because many people walked by him, and didn't even bother to stop him from running across the busy street.

He reminded me of the stray dogs in Taiwan. Just the thought of it makes me sad and depressed. I shall write about it another time. I just hope that people will care about the little lost dogs and cats in the streets. Be kind to them, give them some water, and call for someone to pick them up, or give them a ride home.

Just think about this: what if it's your dogs, cats, or even kids that's lost?

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