Thursday, August 02, 2007

library debt

I've been bugging John to go pick up books for me at the library. I'd been just a little shy about using my library card for the past few weeks. OK I confess I had an outstanding library debt I had to pay for.

I borrowed a bunch of books at one point, and missed the due date by a few... and they added up.

Usually I could check out my books using the compuaters at the library, but today I forgot my library card, and John forgot his as well. I had to go to the counter to check my books out.

And it finally came. Seven dollars and sixty cents. The lady at the counter was kind enough to inform me that I didn't have to pay for the whole amount today... but I figured I was going to be a good citizen, and paid for the whole amount.

I am now library debt-free. The lady at the counter was nice enough not to give me mean eyes or a lecture, but I did get a very long library debt receipt.

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