Friday, February 10, 2006

nuki didn't like his dinner

Last night I prepared the food for the dogs and Nuki, probably still not feeling too well, refused to eat his food. Usually I give the dogs their dog food, semi-cooked ground beef and some extra little things like vegetables, eggs, rice, or a little bit of the food we eat to "spice up" the flavor of their food. Normally that makes Nuki happy enough to eat, even though he's overall picky.

But last night he just didn't want to eat. I held his bowl for him and he had a bite, but still wasn't looking too interested. He turned his head when I put his bowl by his mouth. I opened a jar of baby food and he licked it clean. While I was trying to trick him into eating more, Yama and Naicha came by to check him out and that sort of "forced" him to start eating. He still didn't finish all his food but he should have had enough for the day.

Please excuse all the teeth marks on Nuki's bowl. They are actually from Naicha.

1 comment:

~A4O~ said...

Nice look'n dog. I also like your pics. Take it easy and happy friday stranger:0)