Sunday, February 26, 2006

the orange cat

John went to the garage to get some stuff and heard a tiny "meow", and there went an orange cat! He probably got into the garage last sunday (and that's a whole week ago!) when John went in there to pick up something.

So John picked him up and brought him into the doggie room. The dogs are in the kitchen and they probably sensed that something was going on so they were a bit excited. We brought food and water to the orange cat and he was happy.

When the orange cat finished eating and drinking, John carried him to the neighbor's house to see if she knew who the cat belongs to. The lady said, "Ahh, he's the neighborhood stray cat. We call him 'the orange cat'." And she said that was the first time he let her touch him. She suggest that we put him behind the garage because he'll be all right.

The orange cat was really sweet. He tried to follow John for a while outside but then he went away. I hope he will be ok out there in the crazy world and not be locked up in a garage ever again.

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