Saturday, March 29, 2008

cell phone pics

I'm starting to sense that my pink RAZR is about to die. After all I've had it for almost 2 years. It's about time I get a new phone.

I've taken some fun pics with my phone, and from what I understand there's not a device where you can connect your old phone to a new one and transfer all the photos (unless you have an SD memory chip... but I don't have one in my phone), so the best way taht I know to "preserve" the pictures is to send them to my email account... one at a time that is.

So this is what I've been doing. I think it's going to take a while, because I have somewhere around 200 pictures in my phone. I think I'll save most of them because they are usually of one of my dogs or cats being all quiet (usually when I see them being still and try to get my camera, the'd already move to another spot), and/or where there's fun or interesting things/people that I see when I forget my regular camera. Gotta save them all because they are all special!

I also found Yama and Ginger's pictures are what I took the most of our pets with my phone... I guess they are the only two that wouldn't move too much when I say "stay."

Ginger staring at me in the bathroom.

Yama on the fuzzy Lovesac.

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