Thursday, December 29, 2011

this Christmas

I am trying to finish up my little Paris trip postings so I totally skipped blogging about Christmas.

Friends and family have been asking about our Christmas, so I thought I'd post a little 'something something' about our Christmas holiday.

This Christmas John and I just took it easy... only the two of us, the dogs, and the cat. We didn't cook anything extravagant, but picked up TWO roast ducks for the holiday! I went to pick up one at Southeastern Market earlier on Christmas Eve, and after the shop closed both of us went to pick up another from Little World on our way home.

Oh my goodness the ducks were so yummy. We had some on Christmas Eve, some on Christmas Day, and I just finished the last bit last night. Yum Yum Yum.

We did cook a little, too. We made green beans with bacon, "marshmallow-ed" yam, and other veggies. My favorite was the "marshmallow-ed" yam!

Did I put enough yam in there with the marshmallows?

We also had wine that we brought back from France, and I made a pumpkin cake for dessert!

So we enjoyed yummy food, watched fun and silly shows on Netflix, and just chilled with the dogs and Jasper. It was a mellow and happy Christmas!

Oh, and the dogs each got a big bone for the holidays!

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